You are doing an awesome job!

Last updated on October 26, 2020


Awesome job!

I am a doctor, and I was preparing for an exam and came across this site as I was checking about Tanner staging. I think you are doing a great job. I presume you are from the US. I was going through some stats in your country. I was shocked by this. I’m mentioning a few here:

  • 70% of all unmarried females and 80% are non-virgins by age 19 in the US.
  • The average age of sexual experience is 16.
  • 50% of all unwed mothers are teenagers in the US. 
  • 1 in 5 Americans has herpes simplex virus.

I am not an American. Still, I think these stats have to be brought out to these kids. STDs are a serious deal. Syphilis is slowly getting back on the rise according to the stats and gonorrhea is getting to be more resistant to the drugs being given.

I think these kids get influenced a lot by the media. The biggest problem in the world is not the bad being there. I think the biggest problem arises when the good turns a blind eye to immorality. I think today’s movies and shows use sex as a way of advertising and dilutes the immorality in them.

I think you are doing a great job. You will be really blessed for this. The world needs people like you. Your country too.  A lot of countries look up to yours in many things. It’s a shame when the stats are showing the US at the top of the list.

I think not appreciating your work would be unpardonable because I see you as one of those people who haven’t turned a blind eye to the immorality around you. Show the kids the stats. How rampant are the numbers in HSV and chlamydia out there?

Good luck with your work and God bless you!


You are correct. I am located in the United States. Near Omaha, Nebraska, to be precise. I’m glad you find the site useful since I put a good bit of time into it and the research behind it.

While moral standards are declining in the United States, sadly it isn’t isolated to just one country. I’ve seen similar problems in just about every country around the world. You are correct that the only way to combat the problems brought about by immoral choices is to speak up about the advantages of living a moral life.

Thank you for your encouragement.