Question: Hello sir, I have begun talking to this guy who I am interested in dating. I am 19, and he is 21. We have known each other for a…
Tag: <span>condom</span>
Question Hi, My boyfriend and I had intercourse four days ago. That was two days after I had my period. He didn’t use a condom, and I’m not in any…
Question: My boyfriend had his penis in my vagina, but we only did it for a minute (at the most). I’m scared. Can I get pregnant? Please help. Answer: Yes,…
Question: My boyfriend and I had sex and it was our first time. He used a condom, but I didn’t take a birth control pill. When we were groping each…
Question: I am currently 16 years of age, which means I am legal to take part in sexual intercourse in my country. I am in a relationship with a boy…
Question: I just ended my period and two days later my boyfriend and I had sex. Some semen came out the side of the condom. Is there any chance I…
Question: My daughter had sex 2 or 3 days after her cycle stopped. When she had sex, the condom was off when he pulled out. Is she pregnant? Answer: The…
Question: Can a woman get pregnant if the condom slips off after sex? Answer: The possibility certainly exists. People use condoms in hope of avoiding sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy.…
Question: My boyfriend and I have had sex on occasion. We have calmed down a bit because we know it is a sin to do so before marriage. But we…