My boyfriend says I don’t love him because I don’t want to have sex with him


I am not a virgin. I was recently baptized, so I don’t want to have sex again. I got a new boyfriend after my baptism. He said that I don’t love him because I don’t want to have sex with him. What should I do? 


Dating is a time to see if your boyfriend is worth marrying. This boy already has demonstrated that he doesn’t care about your commitment to Christ. He is focused on having sex to satisfy his desire. Is this the kind of man you want in your life? “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals’” (I Corinthians 15:33). This type of boy will continue to pressure you until you finally give in.

When you realize that a relationship will not work, the only thing to do is break it off as soon as possible. Dragging it out will not make things better.