Question: Hello. I don’t know where to start. When thinking about how I lost the fire for God because of engaging myself in a relationship, I can’t help it, I…
Tag: <span>dating</span>
I put a stop to the physical intimacy but now my boyfriend worries this will continue after marriage
Question: I am in my early twenties and have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for more than four years. We have never had sex. But, yes, we have…
Question: I’m 19 and I need advice regarding my relationship with a boy. I do not know where to turn. I pray to God to give me visions whereby I…
Question: My boyfriend has not been to church in the four years after his dad died. We met at the park and we sort of clicked as if out of…
Question: Hi, I am 18 years old. I’ve been in a relationship with my ex-boyfriend for two years. We had sex every time we meet up. Now both of us…
Question: I am in love with my boyfriend. He loves me back, but there was this problem when he cheated on me once. A few months later I found him…
Question: Hello, I’ve seen a similar story about a man that was in a relationship with his girl while unmarried on this website and I felt inspired by your honest response…
Question: Hello, I am in a relationship with my boyfriend. We have been together for one year. I just want to say that I know he and I are committing…
Question Hi, I’m now a few days into my first relationship! I want to have a “boundaries talk” with my boyfriend. I don’t know how to bring it up, though.…
Question: I and my boyfriend are in a long-distance relationship for around 10 months. I have told him not to use Facebook because I often caught him sending requests only…