Question: I recently gave my boyfriend a handjob for the first time. I have felt bad ever since. We’ve talked about it and decided to not do it again and…
Tag: <span>sensuality</span>
Question: Good morning, Thank you so much for the information you wrote on your page. Yesterday something happened to me. I went over to see my male friend. I didn’t…
Question: When I was 14, I was a Christian and had a boyfriend who was a Christian as well. One day we messed around a little with sexual pleasure but…
Question: I am a Christian girl, and I am in a relationship. I think my boyfriend and I have been fornicating. When I came to the realization that what we…
Question: Hello, Sorry to ask such an intimate question. My boyfriend and I agreed on not having sex, but we have started cuddling and hugging more this year, and although…
Question: Hey, My boyfriend and I have been dating for over half a year. We live a long way apart because I’m away at college. He decided to come to…
Question: Hello, I have a question about sin and would be really grateful to get some help in understanding. My fiance and I were cuddling, kissing, and hugging on the…
Question: Yesterday my boyfriend ejaculated outside my lower part. We didn’t have sex. We just did foreplay and in the end, he ejaculated on my part. My periods are just…
Question: I went to my boyfriend’s house yesterday. In the process of kissing, I laid on him. We both had our clothes on us, but his penis romanced my vagina.…
Hello, I found your website on-line. Please, I’m a Christian but have performed sexual acts in the past. I was thinking I should go back to a guy with whom…