Hello, I found your website on-line. Please, I’m a Christian but have performed sexual acts in the past. I was thinking I should go back to a guy with whom…
Year: <span>2017</span>
Question: I just want to ask: I am graduating from college a year from now. I met a Christian guy with whom I fell in love. We promised to wait…
Question: The page about appropriate clothes mentions the part of the Bible that says women should not wear men’s clothes and men should not wear women’s clothes. Does this mean that it’s…
Question: I’m a 17-year-old girl, who dated a guy. He was a Christian. We broke up because his parents found out that we touched each other. His mother got mad…
Question: Hi, I am 19 years old. I am a virgin and intend to keep myself that way until marriage. There’s this man, he’s my mum’s boyfriend. One day he…
Question: I highly appreciate your work and may the Lord bless you. I recently started dating a guy seven years older than me (I’m 17). I am still in high…
Question: Please, my future husband is suffering from too much sperm in his body to the extent that he wants us to have sex. What is the solution, please? Answer:…
Question: Hi, I am a baptized member of the church of Christ, and I’m 21. My boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now and during this period…
Question: Hello. I’m a teenage girl, pregnant and not married. I have asked God for forgiveness and am starting to follow a Christian life. I have been with my baby’s…
Question: There is this guy who lives in another county. I met him this summer when I visited that country. I fell in love with him, and he told me…