Question: Greetings, I am a virgin, unmarried female Christian with a unique and embarrassing problem called PGAD (Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder). In summary, something about my body’s anatomy causes me…
Tag: <span>masturbation</span>
Question: I recently turned 14. At the age of 7, something happened with a cousin that no one but my family knows about. After that, I started masturbating. I never…
Question: Thank you for the two excellent websites you run for boys and girls to help them grow as spiritually mature and enlightened children of God. Having looked at the topic of…
Question: I feel like a disgusting person. I am a girl and I masturbate about once a week. During Lent, I would give up masturbating and watching porn and feel…
Question: I’m a 24-year-old female. I’m a baptized New Testament Christian for several years now. I’m very faithful and active in the church. I look and act like a Christian,…
Question: I had made a promise to God to stop having sex with my on and off boyfriend (right now he is my ex officially). But recently we dry humped,…
Question: Hello, I have a couple of questions. First: Recently, when I was texting my boyfriend, we edged on erotic chat. It was the first time for me. I realized…
Question: Hi, I am a 19-year-old Christian girl. I was born and raised in the church. I don’t know where to start and I didn’t really have anyone to talk…
Question: Hi, I had a boyfriend on the Internet, and we never met. We were just planning what to do when we meet. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend because…
Question: I’m 17 years old and I’m a female. My sexual problems are so deep, I don’t know where to begin. When I was younger, there was a lot of…